Main Objective:
The primary purpose of FinTechBiz Solutions AML
& KYC policy is to establish the general framework to fight against money
laundering (ML) and terrorist financing (TF). FinTechBiz Solutions has robust measures to
control and limit ML/TF risk, including dedicating the appropriate means. FinTechBiz Solutions Values are committed to high anti-money laundering / countering terrorism
(AML/CFT) compliance and require all the employees, management, and
subsidiaries to adhere to these standards to combat money laundering or
terrorism financing.
Policy implementation requirements:
Each significant change in FinTechBiz Solutions AML policy is subject to
approval by the Board Members & FinTechBiz Solutions Local Legislative Structure
Anti-Money Laundering, its Amendments and Executive Regulations; KYC rules
issued by the FinTechBiz Solutions ; and AML/CFT Regulations for companies, published by FinTechBiz Solutions examining unusual and suspicious transactions referred to the Department, were
substantiated with justifiable reasons. FinTechBiz Solutions reports to FinTechBiz Solutions LLC, the transactions
suspected to be involved in money laundering, terrorist financing, or the other
forms designed for this purpose. We ensure compliance of all company branches
& Subsidiaries with AML/CFT regulations and internal controls via off-site
and on-site supervision. We cooperate and coordinate with the Human Resources
Department (HR) to set AML/CFT training plans for the company staff, proposing
training programs necessary to carry out such projects and follow up their
implementation. We are preparing a periodical report- at least once a year – on
its AML/CFT activities and submitting it to the MLRO. The MLRO reviews the
information, makes comments thereon, takes the necessary actions, and then
sends it with his remarks and decisions to FinTechBiz Solutions.
Customer identification and verification
Identifying customers on entry into commercial relations is vital
for the regulations relating to money laundering and the KYC policy. The
identification relies on the following fundamental principles: Each customer
(each person and person involved in the case of a legal entity) must use
original supporting documents. These documents will be recorded in a
centralized system. FinTechBiz Solutions will check Customer background, country of origin,
public or high-profile position, linked accounts, business activities, or other
risk indicators that should be considered. Identification of beneficiaries of
transactions conducted by professional intermediaries; any person or
organization connected with a financial transaction can pose significant
reputational or operational risks. Records are to remain up-to-date and
relevant. When an account has become online “live,” but verification problems
arise in the business relationship, which cannot be resolved, the company should
close the account and return the funds to the source account.
The company agrees never to open an account or conduct ongoing
business with a customer who insists on anonymity or gives a fictitious name.
Each individual identified must be registered by our internal IT system. A
person or entity will not be treated as a customer if the KYC process proves
Customer acceptance policy:
FinTechBiz Solutions ensures that the sales department has a good knowledge of
the customer KYC, and KYB and will exercise the due diligence appropriate to
their level of risk from the start of the customer relations. It will help to
protect FinTechBiz Solutions from entering into business relations with persons who might
involve our company in money laundering or terrorism financing transactions. FinTechBiz Solutions screening customers vs. sanctions lists and ensuring all data and documents
provided and uploaded to the system are valid and accurate. Values meet
legal/regulatory requirements; – applying the risk-based approach run by FinTechBiz Solutions in categorizing customers to risk criteria. (Low / Medium / High) Risk.
Ongoing customer due diligence:
FinTechBiz Solutions will carry a risk-based approach review periodically to
ensure that customer-related data or information will keep up to date for some
dedicated higher-risk customer categories. The current KYC review system
regarding the other customer categories is primarily based on an “awareness
principle” following the examination of an actual file by the AML team. This
awareness principle consists of asking the customer’s account manager to
perform a periodic KYC review of customer care.
Ongoing transaction monitoring:
AML & compliance team ensures that “Ongoing transaction
monitoring” is conducted to detect unusual or suspicious transactions compared
to the customer profile. FinTechBiz Solutions will conduct transaction monitoring on two
levels. The First Line of Control: FinTechBiz Solutions makes its network aware of the
concern about possible suspicious transactions so that any contact with the
customer, account holder, or authorized representative gives rise to the
exercise of due diligence for transactions on the account concerned. In
particular, these include Requests for the execution of financial transactions
on the account Claims concerning means of payment or services on the account
Investment interviews the specific transactions submitted to the customer
success team member, possibly through their Compliance Manager, must also be
subject to due diligence. Determination of the unusual nature of one or more
transactions primarily depends on a subjective assessment of the customer
(KYC), financial behaviour, and the transaction counterparty. The transactions
observed on customer accounts for which it is difficult to understand the
lawful activities and origin of funds are more rapidly considered atypical (as
they are not directly justifiable). Any FinTechBiz Solutions staff member must inform the
AML division of any atypical transactions they observe and cannot attribute to
a lawful activity or source of income attributed to the customer.
Sanction’s screening:
To ensure compliance with the applicable sanctions against persons
and entities, FinTechBiz Solutions has put a list matching system to compare its customers’
names with official lists from the FinTechBiz Solutions, the EU, the OFAC, and the UN.
Transactions are also filtered through an online matching system to ensure
compliance with sanctions obligations for fund transfers with foreign banks.
In addition to the above, and to provide all business lines with
up-to-date information related to jurisdictions under embargo, FinTechBiz Solutions internally
edits and maintains a Country Watch list including the following authorities:
Jurisdictions subject to HongKong economic & Trade sanctions
(including the sanctioned people, Entities, or Transactions)
Jurisdictions subject to EU Economic sanctions (including the
sanctioned people, Entities, or Transactions)
Jurisdictions subject to US sanctions (including the sanctioned
People, entities, or transactions)
Jurisdictions designated by officials (like FATF) as subject to
being a higher money laundering risk.
Such jurisdictions are considered as fiscal paradise by the Hong
Kong authorities & the FIU list.
Enterprise-wide assessment:
Risk assessment is a critical component of the FinTechBiz Solutions AML/CFT
compliance management program. FinTechBiz Solutions has conducted an AML “Enterprise-wide
risk assessment” to identify and understand risks specific to FinTechBiz Solutions and its
business lines as part of its risk-based approach. The Values AML risk profile
will determine after identifying and documenting the risks inherent to its
business lines, such as the products and services a company offers. The
customers to whom such products and services are provided, transactions
performed by these customers, delivery channels used by the company, the
geographic locations of the company’s operations, customers and sales, and
other qualitative and emerging risks. The identification of AML/CFT risk
categories will be based on FinTechBiz Solutions ' understanding of regulatory requirements,
regulatory expectations, and industry guidance. The Enterprise-wide risk
assessment is reassessed yearly.
Risk Profile calculation:
assist and to determine the level of AML/CFT due diligence to be exercised
concerning a customer, a “Compliance” risk profile is calculated upon entry
into relations (Low, Medium, High) and will recalculate based on the risk.
Data Access and Staff Protection:
Officials at the Compliance Department have the following
abilities and powers.
To directly communicate with any of the company’s staff to access
any files/information necessary for performing their duties.
To check potential non-compliance incidents and request support
from the team in charge at the company (legal advisor- internal audit).
Guarantee of Staff Protection:
The company guarantees the protection of those employees who
report –in good faith- suspicious transactions.
Organization of internal control:
Suspicious transactions reporting:
FinTechBiz Solutions describes precise terms and the instruction of its staff
members when it is necessary to report and proceed with such reporting. FinTechBiz Solutions will analyze the transactions within the AML team following the precise
methodology described in the internal procedures.
Depending on the result of this examination, and based on the
information gathered, the AML team will decide whether it is necessary to send
a report to the FIU under the legal obligations provided by FinTechBiz Solutions.
All transactions suspected of involving money laundering or
terrorist financing, including attempts to conduct such transactions, must be
reported, regardless of their volume or type.
The report will include detailed reasons and causes that led the
company to suspect the transaction.
FinTechBiz Solutions shall make the report in the form designed by FinTechBiz Solutions for
this purpose. FinTechBiz Solutions will attach all data and copies of documents of the
suspicious transaction to the said form.
Transactions suspected of involving money laundering or terrorist
financing, or data related to it, shall not be disclosed to the customer,
beneficial owner, or any other entity, except to the authorities and entities
responsible for enforcing the provisions of the Anti-Money Laundering Law.
Policies & Procedures:
The AML/CFT rules, including minimum KYC standards, have been
translated into operational guidelines or procedures available on the Intranet
site of FinTechBiz Solutions.
FinTechBiz Solutions will maintain the following documentation for five years:
Unusual transaction reports and the documents are proving review
FinTechBiz Solutions will keep the suspicious transactions including copies of
documents of suspicious transactions (originals will be kept with the company’s
records at the Archive), including copies of reports sent to FinTechBiz Solutions LLC.
Copies of documents and reports that the Head of Compliance Dept.
has decided to keep.
Records of training programs provided that such documents contain
data on all AML/CFT programs offered to the company’s staff, trainees’ names,
divisions/departments, content, the timeframe of training programs, and
training entity, whether at home or abroad.
Ongoing training:
FinTechBiz Solutions has developed different training and awareness programs to
keep its staff aware of their AML/CFT duties. The training and awareness
program is reflected in its usage by:
Mandatory AML e-learning training programs following the latest
regulatory evolutions.
Academic AML learning sessions for all new employees.
Content of the AML & KYC training program will be established by the kind of business the trainees are working in FinTechBiz SolutionsFinTechBiz Solutions. These sessions will be conducted by an AML specialist working on the FinTechBiz Solutions AML team.